Many people believe that insurance agents set the price they pay for insurance, but this couldn’t be farther from the truth. The price you pay for insurance is established by the company you purchase your insurance from, not the agent that represents the company. Insurance agents simply take your information and enter it into the [...]
Tags: agent commissions, insurance commissions, insurance discountsWe all want to pay the lowest insurance rates especially with unemployment mounting and families cutting costs any way they can. To find insurance at the lowest rates, you need to do a few things that can cut your insurance premiums substantially: First, take a look at your credit report. You can get your credit [...]
Tags: find insurance, Insurance, insurance discounts, save moneyIndependent insurance agents come in a variety of flavors, so to speak. Some agencies tend to focus on larger commercial or agricultural risks, and the insurance contracts they have tend to be with companies that can underwrite this business. Other agencies, and probably the majority, focus more on personal lines such as car insurance, homeowners [...]
Tags: independent agents, Insurance, insurance agentCaptive agents are insurance agents that are employed by one company and only insure their clients with that company. And example of a captive agent is a State Farm agent. When you obtain an insurance quote from a captive agent, all your coverages will be placed with that same company. An independent agent on the [...]
Tags: captive agents, independent agents, Insurance, insurance agentIt seems like insurance agents are on about every street corner. But how do you go about finding a GOOD insurance agent? When shopping for insurance you have many choices in agents. Here’s a list of things to do to make sure you find the best agent for you:
Tags: independent agents, insurance agent, reliable insurance